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Confirmation of your appointment

Thank you for booking your appointment

for mediation with  dependent child in person.

Here you will find the various information

concerning the processing of your file

Purpose of family mediation

Family mediation is to allow you to know your rights, ask questions, receive information and above all allow you to obtain an agreement within you. If you want your agreement to have the force of law, you will have to obtain a judgment afterwards. Obtaining a judgment is not a service included with subsidized mediation.  You can look in the others for information on obtaining a judgment.

Documents for the mediation session

No document is required for the meeting. Bring the documents that will be relevant to the meeting according to thisthat you want to discuss.

If you want to talk about alimony, each of the two parties must have in their possessiontheir last Quebec notice of assessment or the four pages of their last Quebec tax return as well as their last three pay stubs.

Mediation process in person

Both parties will be required to attend a single one to two hour face-to-face meeting together where we will discuss thecustody and support for your children as well as the division of your property.

Subsidized mediation detailed

The Government of Quebec subsidies 5 hours of mediation sessions the first time you use the service and 2h30 every twelve months thereafter, as long as you have a dependent child.


For more specific information, you can call 514-639-5611 or write to

Me Sabourin is a lawyer, member of the Quebec Bar since 1999, graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Montreal in 1998.

He practice as a lawyer in family law for over 25 years.

Me Sabourin is an accredited family mediator since 2007 and accompanies other professionals,

as mediation supervisor, in order to help them access this profession.


Me Sabourin founded Rupture Québec in 2016 and since that time, he has handled several hundred cases by common procedure, each year.

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